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The South Carolina Nurse


The South Carolina Nurse


The South Carolina Nurse is the official publication of the South Carolina Nurses Association.

South Carolina Nurse Copy Submission Guidelines:

All SCNA members are encouraged to submit material for publication that is of interest to nurses.  The South Carolina Nurse also welcomes unsolicited manuscripts written by members. Article submission is preferred in MS Word format and may be up to 1000 words. When sending pictures, please be certain to label them clearly since the editors have no way of knowing who persons in the photos might be. Preferred submission is by email to  Please do not embed photos in Word files, but use jpg files. All articles submitted are subject to editing by the SC Nurse editorial






Articles for submission are due to the SCNA Office on the following dates:  



Printed SC Nurse
•    content for the April – June Issue is due to SCNA March 18th to be in mailboxes in June.
•    content for the July – September Issue is due to SCNA June 17th to be in mailboxes in September.
•    content for the October – December issue is due to SCNA September 16th to be in mailboxes in December.

Monthly E- Newsletters
•    Last Thursday the month before of the following months: April, May , July , August , October , November
•    April content due March 28th
•    May content due April 25th
•    July content due June 27th
•    August content due July 25th
•    October content due Sept. 26th
•    November content due Oct 31st

SCNA Board Members, Chapter Chairs, and Committee Chairs can submit their materials by emailing Rosie Robinson.

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