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SCNA Chapters

SCNA Chapters

What is a chapter?

Chapters are groups of nurses who are members of the South Carolina Nurses Association who have been or hereafter may be organized based on shared nursing practice interests or geographical boundaries who adhere to the SCNA Memoradum of Agreement (MOA) for Chapters and have been approved by the majority vote of the board of directors of this association.  All members of SCNA are eligible to join any of the Chapters featuring practice areas. There is no additional fee to join any Chapter. Contact Rosie Robinson at to join, or fill out the consent to participate form that is located in the members only section of our website.

Currently there are 4 SCNA Chapters.

Acute Care Nursing Chapter

APRN Chapter
Nurse Educator Chapter
Psychiatric-Mental Health Chapter
Women and Children's Health Chapter

SCNA members are welcome to create new chapters to meet member interests. SCNA members may belong to any number of chapters they desire. Chapters work either at a local level (geographical) or on issues of nursing practice (practice based). They offer opportunities to members who wish to work on specific issues or to promote nursing in their communities. Chapters may meet either in person or electronically. Chapters may provide continuing education, forums, chapter wide meetings, meetings with local legislators, or provide a social meeting for members.

Complete list of Current SCNA Chapter Officers

Acute Care Nursing Chapter

The chapter aims to provide a platform for acute care nurses to network, collaborate, and advocate for issues that are important to them, such as patient safety, staffing, and professional development. By sharing ideas, resources, and experiences, the members of the chapter can learn from one another and promote excellence in acute care nursing practice.

The chapter recognizes that acute care nurses are a diverse group of healthcare professionals, who come from a variety of backgrounds and generations. The chapter aims to celebrate this diversity and promote inclusivity, recognizing that every member has a unique perspective and set of skills that can contribute to the collective success of the group.

Furthermore, the chapter recognizes the vital role that acute care nurses play in shaping the overall patient experience. They are often the first point of contact for patients and families, and their actions and decisions can have a significant impact on patient outcomes and organizational success. As such, the chapter is committed to promoting the highest standards of nursing practice, with a focus on patient-centered care and evidence-based practice.

We welcome you to join our growing community, because the missing piece of the puzzle is YOU!Sign up today

Chair- Julia Johnson
Vice Chair- Keyleigh Setropawiro
Secretary- Erica Forward

Treasurer- Kristen Dickens
Member at Large -Cindy Merrow

APRN Chapter

APRN is the anagram for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. The anagram APRN is being used more and more by legislative and governing bodies to describe the collection of registered nurses (RNs) that practice in the extended role or practice beyond the normal role of basic registered nursing. The APRN needs special education beyond the four-year baccalaureate degree in nursing. In fact, most APRNs need a master’s degree. The APRN role not only encompasses additional education, but also is a role requiring extra responsibility, critical thinking and judgment. The APRN in South Carolina must hold a national certification in his/her area of expertise.

Chair- Nakita Barnes
Vice Chair- Deitra Watson
Secretary/ Treasurer- Shannon Gooding
Members at Large - Dwayne Alleyne & Eboni Harris


Nurse Educator Chapter

Vice Chair- Debora Stokes
Secretary/Treasurer - Rachel Onello
Members at Large - Janae Barberio & Maggie Selph

Psychiatric-Mental Health Chapter

The Psychiatric-Mental Health Chapter is for all nurses who are practicing in the area of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing or are interested in the field. We strive to offer continuing education opportunities as well as networking for our members. The Psychiatric-Mental Health Chapter is also concerned about the issues facing psychiatric and mental health care in South Carolina. Get connected with your colleagues around the state!

Chapter Chair- Jacquelin Hyman

Vice Chair- Michelle Myers

Secretary/Treasurer- Felicia Heyward

Member At Large- Amy Redd
Member At Large - Vacant

 Women and Children's Health Chapter

Chair- Jennifer Woodley
Vice Chair- Kelly Walker
Secretary/Treasurer- Bonnie Holaday
Members at Large - Bridget Holder & Vacant

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